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Privacy Policy


Your Services

We will collaborate with you to plan and choose your services.

We can help you to get information, help or advice to make decisions about any part of your
services, any time. 
If you make any decisions that we consider to be a risk, we will help you understand what might happen if you take that risk. Your services will be person-centred and will not restrict your rights.

If we ever need to make changes to your services, we will inform you. We will explain the changes
and ask for your agreement.



Planning your services


You will be involved in planning your services. If you wish, you can also involve a
carer, friend, family member or an advocate.

To create a plan together, we will ask you to tell us about your strengths, needs, preferences and

With your consent, other providers may also be involved.


We will consider any risks in delivering your services and try and keep you and others safe by reducing these risks. We will talk with you about your plan and risks on a regular basis and if your needs or situation changes. We will look at your goals and what you have achieved often, to make sure our services are successful.

Only with your consent, will we share information about your services and support plan to relevant
people, providers, and agencies when required to enhance your service.




You have the right to have an independent advocate. An advocate is someone who protects your
rights, help us to understand your needs and goals, and can help you to make decisions.
If you wish to have an advocate represent or support you, please let us know.
Your advocate can attend service planning meetings and can also speak for you if you wish.
You may want to use an advocate if an incident occurs, or if you make a complaint.
We can help you to find an advocate if you ask us. A list of disability advocacy agencies is
available at:

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